Chitedze, Malawi – A groundbreaking initiative is transforming urban waste into a valuable resource, revitalizing Malawi’s agricultural landscape. The project, spearheaded by the Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA), is converting organic waste into rich compost manure, enhancing soil fertility, and promoting sustainable farming practices.
Tamara Mataka, project coordinator at CEPA, emphasized the project’s dual benefits: environmental sustainability and economic empowerment. “By recycling organic waste, we’re not only reducing pollution but also providing a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to the rising cost of chemical fertilizers,” she explained.
The project has resonated particularly well with small-scale farmers, who are increasingly burdened by the soaring prices of chemical fertilizers. Korrinto Saddon, chairperson of the Chitedze project area farmers, attested to the positive impact of organic manure. “Since adopting this practice in 2021, we’ve witnessed a remarkable improvement in soil health, leading to higher crop yields and increased income from our produce,” he said.
CEPA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Malawi Bureau of Standards, is actively working to develop policies and certification standards for small-scale farmers. This strategic approach aims to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project and foster a thriving organic farming sector in Malawi.
As the country embraces this sustainable agricultural model, it’s poised to reap numerous benefits, including improved food security, reduced waste, and empowered local communities. This green revolution is not just a solution to environmental challenges; it’s a catalyst for economic growth and social development.